Eric SharpComment

Twelve Twenty One

Eric SharpComment
Twelve Twenty One

Today is the last Dark Solstice of this decade.

I have many things in the works including Page 32 of FLOLAS, a front page animation, a very lengthy blog post about my career thus far (which requires a little more time in the editorial oven), and some neat freelance projects I’ve been working on.

But I think I’ll keep things simple today, on the twenty-first of the twelfth month. Today marks the ending of Sagittarius and beginning of Capricorn. It’s the shortest, darkest day of the year - at least in the Northern Hemisphere. And I have just aged.

I always seem to look up just in time to see a clock turn to 12:16, regardless of AM or PM. My birthday is 12/16 so it’s a very resonant number for me. I don’t know if there’s any significance to it, but I’ve noticed that a lot of people do this - acknowledge the time of day when it matches the same sequence of numbers as their birth date. A curious human quality…

I guess that’s the ethos of this blog now. Just marking the time.

Creations of Time

Anyways, more to come soon. I stayed up super late last night watching the new Star Wars and talking about it. So I’m gonna go be lazy on holiday break.

Merry Christmas and may the force be with you. Always.