Eric SharpComment


Eric SharpComment

Today is the Summer Solstice Twenty Twenty, and the Sixth Anniversary of this website.

I’ve just posted Page 34. I’ve been working on this comic book for six years and I’m only on Page 34. That’s almost an average of six pages per year. Of course, I took two and half years off back in 2016 to illustrate a 23 page book, my infamous hiatus project. I think we’ve finally found a publisher, so hopefully more on that soon.

I’m planning a blog that details my career so far which I’ll probably release in the fall - hopefully I’ll be up to Page 37 or so by then. And I have a really exhaustive piece in mind for the Winter Solstice about one of my favorite subjects: Star Wars. So, uh … look forward to that.

Sometimes I get overly personal on this blog, or rant about the state of the world. Ideally, I would keep it about art though. Empros, for instance, is a Greek word meaning “to move forward.” It’s also the name of the fourth album by Russian Circles and my personal favorite of theirs. It’s the guiding principle of this project: just keep going. I could take even longer on each page; I’m a bit OCD you see, and even though I’m pretty happy with the quality of the art and writing thus far, I realize than I’m far from the best at either. But if I didn’t have some guiding light to fall back on; such as just draw it the best you can, get it done, and post it; I would never have started it at all.

So, today, on the sixth anniversary of FLOLAS, I’d like to recommit myself to finishing this book. I’m not sure how much more I have left - there never has been an outline - but I do know where the story is going. I can see it being 60 pages or more, and that’s just the first chapter. I’ll be on my fifth lifetime before I finish the whole thing.

Page 34 Sample

Quarantine has been a thing since my last blog post. I’ve mostly been sitting in my tiny apartment with my two cats. Where I live, things have started to open up and return to some level of normalcy though. It’s amazing how adaptable humans are. I’ve started a practice of facing the sun and meditating each morning. That has done wonders.

There’s so much going on in the world too. The pandemic was just the beginning. Now we’re seeing what appears to be an actual revolution of sorts. I don’t think I have too much to add to that conversation. I think I would rather listen…

…and, of course, draw FLOLAS.

Stay safe my friends 🙏