Eric SharpComment

The Lost Woods

Eric SharpComment
The Lost Woods

Today is the fifth anniversary of this website.

I created on the Summer Solstice 2014. It’s always served as an attempt to keep me drawing between professional projects and to keep the nose of my creative ship pointed at the North Star of artistic purity. As I explained in those fist blog posts, I decided to split my need to make a living from my integrity as a creative. I can fix computers and design websites for cash, but FLOLAS will remain a purely creative endeavor.

Not much has changed in the last five years.

But, in ways, everything has changed.

This project led directly to an illustration job: my secretive hiatus project. Today’s blog was supposed to be all about that - I really wanted to have a link in here somewhere that would take you to a store where you could make a purchase. But, let’s just say that publishing a book is hard. I think it’ll happen this year, but for now it’s out of my hands.

I have moved three times since I wrote that first blog, and I’m about to move again. I’ve written thirty blog posts, made about sixty full page illustrations, and redesigned the site at least three times. If the goal was to keep me working, mission accomplished. I took nearly three years off to illustrate a book and then picked up FLOLAS exactly where I left off. Recently, I finished Page 29.


I used to get kind of personal on this blog, but in recent years haven’t really felt the need. I honestly find it hard to write about anything on here anymore. I suppose I’m akin to my main characters - lost in the woods. I’m not sure if I even have strong opinions about anything - much less do I feel the need to express my ambiguity around the Internet. The purity of this endeavor might stretch beyond the stated goal, and perhaps it has an ameliorating effect on me as well. Let’s just keep this about me drawing and writing an online comic book. No more. No less.

Today is the Summer Solstice, Twenty Nineteen. The longest, brightest day of the year.

Year Six of FLOLAS. Go.