Eric SharpComment

Two Moons | One Red, One Blue

Eric SharpComment
Two Moons | One Red, One Blue
Two Moons

“Eros is a slave to Chronos”

I thought this to myself a few weeks ago, seemingly inspired by nothing in particular. My mind stays buried in Esoterica, so this wasn’t exactly a peculiar thought to have had. I’m not sure if I can properly convey its meaning, but the gist of it is that Love and Time are inherently linked, and that the latter is more powerful than the former. Meeting the one at the right time is perhaps more important than meeting them at all. Love may live there, but if neither of you are ready, or there is another love lingering, it won’t come out to play.

“I sure do talk about Astrology a lot”

Another thought I had, this time inspired by how often I talk about Astrology. I’m not sure why I’m suddenly so into it. To be honest, I don’t even believe in it - or anything in particular actually; I’m a total Nihilist. Nihilism gives you a certain freedom and a freedom from certainty. It’s a blank slate for the mind so that you can entertain any thought or feeling you might have regardless of whether or not it’s true. There is no Capital T Truth as far as I can tell. Entropy infects all things - you can never know everything about anything.


(This is now the best Astrological image on the Internet. Believe me. I've checked.)

I think what draws me to Astrology is that I’ve recently learned more about it. It’s far more complicated and nuanced than I had originally thought. In the past, I would dismiss it critically without actually knowing anything about it, but I’ve since learned that it is best used as a map. Don’t confuse it with the territory, which is reality. It’s a framework for the mind: citing the celestial to inform your subjective inner self.

“I’m a giant dork,” I thought, just now, when I typed that.

After the nadir that was my previous relationship, the Universe decided to send me gifts in pairs. Firstly, it sent me two terrific female friends, both Aquariuses. They have each given me some insight into my predicament from their own histories and their perspectives have been invaluable as they’ve coached me through rage and despair. Hopefully I’ve helped them as well. Then it sent me two lovely Tauruses, whom have been something more than friends. Each has their own story of failed romance, heartbreak, and an unwillingness to move on; and they each have their own way of dealing with it, such as patience, distraction, busywork...


But I’m not an Air or an Earth. I am Fire. And my heart explodes.

Regardless, I am grateful for all of these ladies at this time as without them I would be truly lost. They came to me just as we had a rare celestial event: A Blue / Blood Moon. If you wonder why I revere, and correspond these blog updates to, the Natural Cycles, this is precisely the reason. Providence and Serendipity skip through the forests of our lives. All you have to do is look.

I’m going to lock myself away now and finish this book.
