Eric SharpComment

Attribute to Malice

Eric SharpComment
Attribute to Malice

Nature could have been any particular way, but she seemingly chose to be cyclic.

I write these blogs in accordance with this cycle - on the Solstices and Equinoxes. For me, the change in Seasons carries some weight. You only have so many first days of Autumn in your life - one per year, like a birthday. Every day of your life is a birthday.

Page 39 is almost done. I hope to post it in the next week or so. There’s some subtle looks I’ve been working on that I’m pretty stoked about:

I used to have rather grandiose subjects to write about on these blogs, but in recent years when I sit down to reflect upon something I come up short. Perhaps it’s the hellscape of modernity, or one of my many recent sufferings. I truly cannot complain - all things considered, I have it pretty good. I’ve somehow figured out a way to draw a comic book and work with tech all day and make a living. I guess I’ve just lost something along the way is all. I have a sort of permanent writer’s block these days.

I think about that blog I wrote in 2015 a lot: Remember the Human. It’s still just as relevant today, perhaps even more so. As we increasingly live and work on the Internet it seems the more our world goes awry. The misinformation, the failures of mainstream media, our intractable polarization, conspiracy theories as the norm… I thought the Internet would be a net positive creation. A collective of all the world’s knowledge, instantly and freely accessible. But instead it seems to have unleashed demons.

I had an idea for a scene in FLOLAS, where the characters walk past an old monument with the words of Hanlon’s Razor etched on it:

Never Attribute to Malice

that which can be Adequately Explained 

by Stupidity

Only the letters of “Never” have eroded away and wild growth has obscured the bottom two lines. The characters look at it, perplexed - perhaps just as confused by it as any actual person living in 2021 would be. They continue onward, oblivious to the omen, a harbinger of doom. The Moon, once luminous, now wanes into the dark.