Eric SharpComment

Moon Sign

Eric SharpComment
Moon Sign

Today is the Summer Solstice, Twenty Twenty One

7 Years ago today, I posted my first blog and officially launched this website.

I don’t have a lot to talk about. The Pandemic is almost over. Things are returning to normal. Page 38 is coming along - I stopped working on it so I could paint this:

Moon Sign

This is a character that has not been introduced in the story yet. She won’t even show up for several more episodes actually. She’s not literally made out of constellations either, but of all the characters in FLOLAS she is the one guided the most by her Moon Sign, or her internal world.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, just generally. Your Sun Sign is who you truly are, but your Moon Sign reflects that truth into the inner darkness of yourself.

FLOLAS has always been an attempt to keep me drawing even when my professional career doesn’t require it. It’s a practice. I suppose when I don’t have much to say during these blogs, it means that the practice is going well. I’m just sitting here quietly drawing a lot of the time, and that is just fine by me.

My friends, you bow to no one 🙏