Eric Sharp1 Comment

Silence Itself A Cathedral

Eric Sharp1 Comment
Silence Itself A Cathedral

Earnest Hemmingway once said to write drunk and edit sober.

Only he didn't actually say that. He actually preached sobriety whilst writing... So, in that spirit:

Today is the Summer Solstice Twenty Twenty Two.

I was mulling around with ideas to write about for today's blog. None really have a roundness - a completeness. There's some half thought of Duality - the concept that there are ideas and reality, light and dark, left and right, boys and girls. The moral of that story was going to be that it's an illusory dichotomy. None of us are perfectly good or in the light, just as none of us are purely evil and in the dark. None of us are exact ideological liberals or conservatives. We all have varying degrees of masculinity and femineity - yet we use the dichotomy as a rule. I suppose it's a useful guide... which is odd because that's exactly how I describe Astrology to people. Not science, but a road map.

"I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think: Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."

- Earnest Hemmingway

The truest thing I know is that Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush is the Song of the Summer.

Also I've been officially devoting myself to FLOLAS for 8 whole years now. I started this website on the Summer Solstice, 2014. It's progressing well. I recently performed some upgrades that should make the writing and drawing process far simpler - and freeing on my part. There are literally no more constraints - I can create where and when I want rather simply.

The truest thing I know is that modding The Witcher 3 is really fun. You can turn it into a completely other game :D

I've read shockingly little Hemmingway. I plan to rectify that so I just ordered some of his books. He's one of those guys, like Mark Twain, that has an innumerable amount of great quotes.

Maybe silence is golden and I don't have much to say.

I've never had trouble meditating. Allowing myself to be bored and quiet. I am on the edge of the darkness, looking outward, there I remain.

Have I ever mentioned my all time favorite quote?

"Nothing has ever been said about God that hasn't already been said better by the wind in the pine trees."

Only this isn't Mark Twain or Earnest Hemmingway. This is from a Trappist Monk named Thomas Merton. I own the book that this quote comes from, The Seven Storey Mountain - which itself is a reference to The Commedia, or better known as Dante's Inferno. I like to think that all the posturing from priests and preachers, mystics and holy men is more or less moot compared to simply going outside and listening to Nature itself. It is quiet. It doesn't have anything directly to say. It simply is. And it's profound; and beautiful.

I'm working on Page 44 currently. I think there will be maybe 5 more pages of them talking and then I swear to you, dear reader, I will get to The Point. A decade of my life is enough to tell a story that barely anyone reads. Does Hemmingway have a quote about that? Working passionately in obscurity?

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.”

Well. I guess that will do.