Eric SharpComment

Golden Halos to the Real

Eric SharpComment
Golden Halos to the Real

Today is the Autumal Equinox, Twenty Twenty Two, and I’m busy af.

Over the summer, I met my girlfriend, bought a car, and now I’m in the process of moving to a swanky downtown high-rise; all the while working full time, doing freelance graphic design, taking trips all over the place, and of course working on FLOLAS.

I looked at my Autumnal Blog from last year where I said I was about to publish Page 39. Now, exactly one solar cycle later, I’m about to publish Page 45. That’s 6 pages in one year, which honestly isn’t all that bad. I had every intention of finishing Page 45 long before writing this blog post, but ya know … Have I mentioned how busy I am?

It’s about to get really good. There will be blood 😊

A few months ago, I went in for an eye exam. I’ve written before about how strange my vision is. It isn’t getting worse - perhaps it’s just me getting older - but it certainly seems worse at times. I got a new eye Doctor and he had all these crazy machines I had never seen before. One of them I was to sit my chin on, as a little green laser shone in my eyes. A picture of a house displayed and I was asked to follow the green light around the image. Then, the brightest light you could imagine blasted into my retinas. I was literally blinded for about 4 seconds.

They were taking pictures of the insides of my eyes.

This of course, as a complete weirdo, is totally freakin’ cool to me. I immediately asked if he would email the images to me. The Doc obliged. Looky there - that’s the golden halo to the real, like a portal to the material plane, and surrounding it are the blood vessels and flesh of my Vitreous Body, tangling down the rabbit hole to the optic nerve, and into my conscious waking mind.


I hope you all are doing well. It’s been a wild few years. Pandemic, political strife… The flippin’ Queen died. Radiohead is now The Smile - what the heck is life even. The website is doing well despite how much I neglect it. Every time I check the web traffic, it’s the best numbers I’ve seen for it. It’s not exactly poppin’ but it’s good enough for me. I used to do Inktober and Swordtember as a way to gin up attention. Now I barely do anything and it’s still growing at a decent pace.

In the next year or two, I will finally finish Song One. Stay tuned, my friends.

Pom lak khun 🙏